Sistah's Cafe Playlist

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Connect to God Connect to Real Joy- Live, Laugh, Love

Live, Laugh, Love!
These words are all action words that comes from the very heart of our creator God.
Live: I am the Truth, the Way and the Life. the way to real living, the way to life is Jesus
Love: God is love. 1John 4:8 (Read the whole thing 1John). Apart from God there is no true love. Agape Love.
I like t-mobile's ad Watch and see....I see expression that should be apart of our daily lives about, laugh, love .
Laugh: Laugher does good like a medicine. Proverbs 17:22

Connect to God, Connect to real Joy.
Let's Express the Love, Laugher , and Life of God, there is victory in each day.

Connect to God, Connect to Real Joy-Live, Laugh, Love

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Helping Hands "In Action"

I watched this documentary and found it to be a heart moving film worthy of ones attention to the heart of God. He loves people and the people that suffer great pain in the earth like those in Africa, Haiti, and other Countries knows that He has not forgotten them nor forsaken them when we represent Him with the Agape Love of God, the Zoe life of God, and do what He instructed us. Give a Helping Hand! see Sistah's Cafe Helping Hands. Also purchase my book this month through May 31st and I will give to the causes of His Heart people from your purchase. Order online!

Thanks for Loving as God does, in Action!